Ferndown Drama - A friendly group in Ferndown

Ferndown Drama

About The Group

Ferndown Drama Group started in 1962 as a section of the Ferndown Sports Club. It became Ferndown Drama in 1965 and operated as an Evening Institute class with Martin Bellchamber (now deceased) as tutor. The group produces two major shows a year in October and April. Our shows are held in the Barrington Theatre, Ferndown with regular rehearsals on Mondays and Wednesdays in the studio there.

We are always on the lookout for people who are interested in the theatre and would like to get involved in the making and running of shows. We cater for people who want to get involved in a specific field of expertise or people who would like to do various roles within the theatre world. We welcome people of all ages and abilities though we do not have a youth section so opportunities for under 17's are very limited.

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